
Deploying content to S3

The travis-ci config in the .travis.yml file will try to deploy every travis build to an S3 bucket.
This done mostly by script/ It uses s3_website which is configured by config/s3_website.yml

The S3 bucket name is defined in config/s3_website.yml. The AWS identify info is in secure
variables in the .travis.yml file.

Deploying static content to a Github gh-pages branch

Github’s github:pages feature supports sharing any content in
a gh-pages repository branch as static web content.

The gh-pages branch of the Lab repository
is used to store the static pages and client-side code built by the Makefile at the directory public.

In addition the content of the gh-pages branch is used to create the downloadable archive distributions of Lab

The contents of the gh-pages branch are automatically made available in a standard
web-page form (as opposed to the standard Github page for showing a repository) at this url:

when you push to the gh-pages branch.

If you maintain a fork of this project on Github, you get a Github Page for free, and the
instructions below apply to you as well!

Making the public/ folder track the gh-pages branch

If you haven’t done this yet, make the public folder track the contents of the gh-pages branch.

If you have a Guard process running make sure and stop it before continuing!

# public/ needs to be empty for git clone to be happy:
rm -rf public

# substitute the URL for whatever fork of the Lab repository you have write access to:
git clone -b gh-pages public

Note that make clean now empties the public folder in-place, leaving the Git public/.git and public/jnlp directories intact.

Pushing changes to gh-pages branch

First, make sure your public folder tracks the gh-pages branch, as per the above.

Then run the following shell command in the script/ folder:


This script will first make sure there is nothing that isn’t committed. If
there are unstaged or staged and uncommitted files the gh-pages script will halt.

Test and commit (or save the changes to a topic branch) and if your testing show
the bugs are fixed or the new features or examples are stable then push
these changes to the master branch and try running the gh-pages script again:

git push origin master